If you are unsure how to make your system safe, please give us a ring. You can chose to make that call, but it may save you making a lot of others you don't choose to.
Basic Things You Can Do
If you have voice mail boxes - change your passwords from the default.Ensure your system is programmed to bar non-essential premium and international numbers
If we supply your lines and calls, use our free 'E-Alerts' facility to alert you of any unusual call patterns.
Check your online billing regularly to check there is nothing unforeseen.
Things We can do for you
We can supply an anti-toll fraud solution to prevent phone hacking. This can be a solution that sits between your phone system and the lines or a PC based solution that talks to your phone system and checks its operation. Both act as Firewalls and stop toll fraud dead. Toll fraud solutions start at £500 plus installation, which can be less than the cost of one hack.
RING US ON 0203 326 1010
OR GO TO www.datasharptele.com
We can supply an anti-toll fraud solution to prevent phone hacking. This can be a solution that sits between your phone system and the lines or a PC based solution that talks to your phone system and checks its operation. Both act as Firewalls and stop toll fraud dead. Toll fraud solutions start at £500 plus installation, which can be less than the cost of one hack.
RING US ON 0203 326 1010
OR GO TO www.datasharptele.com