Commentary from Datasharp Telecom, one of the leading independent telecoms companies in the UK focusing on emerging technologies from within the telecommunications sector. VoIP, IP telephony, PABX, hybrid IP systems, hosted solutions, convergance technologies.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Bluetooth and Wireless Headsets

One of the greatest developments that has happened in recent years is the emergance of bluetooth wireless headsets. A fantastic device that can potentially connect your landline, with your mobile phone as well as operate IP telephony over your PC. Thats 3 forms of verbal interaction with one device, all at the same time. I'm sure there are other applications for the wireless headset but I'll wait for the posts to follow....

The only problem now though is everyone walking around with these cyber devices hanging off our heads. Not to mention the weird sight of people walking along talking to themselves. Small price to pay...

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